The concept of creating a family business seemed simple. Growing a few vegetables to sell alongside the road with an “honor system” payment structure back in 1999 is when it all began. Wanting to teach and demonstrate some hard work ethic lessons to the newborn namesake of Emily’s Produce (Emily), while beginning a college fund for her was simple as it could be.
However, through the years, the seasons changed, and so did the family business structure and “simple” operations. The founders, Paul and Kelly were not “business owners” by trade, they did not pursue degrees in business, marketing, or finance when it all began. They did, however, honor the roots in each of their families that were deeply seeded in law enforcement and agriculture. Paul’s farming legacy began 5 generations before him, and Kelly’s law enforcement legacy began 2 generations before her. Being the best 6th generation local farmer and 3rd generation Maryland State Trooper is what they knew the best. A mindset of public service had been inherited and a way of life would continue being honored.
As the seasons changed, consumer demand increased, and the family grew, the business structure expanded, and the founder’s strengths were utilized to propel their business forward. As “public servants” and leaders in their industries, there was no second thought in providing more for their business, for their community, or for their family. There was no hesitation to develop new innovations, no reluctance to work longer hours, and no second thoughts of transitioning the business model to a bonafide agritourism destination.
Fast forward to 2024, the family’s 25th season in business, a lot has changed! With each season of change comes plenty of creativity, an abundance of challenges, and widespread community support. As the family looks back upon their improvements, they pay tribute to the innovations that have advanced their operations. From satellite markets in multiple eastern shore counties, CSA’s, local beer and wine licenses, commercial kitchen and food truck certifications, loyal employees, u-pick food and flowers, off and onsite catering, and plenty other advancements in between, the 25-year history tells a story for sure! Whether the community hears a story of success or failure, the family’s mindset of serving the public remains strong. Crops may fail, weather may change, obstacles may seem tremendous. But, through each challenge or change, the family works together with a mindset of success and appreciates the opportunity to influence the future of local agriculture.
As the founders continue to lead the business through changes and challenges, they do so with the support of their children Emily & Kyle who are each managing and influencing their own positive change for the future. Both, studying agribusiness collegiately at the University of Maryland and Delaware Valley University, the future looks bright for the next 25 years at Emily’s Produce. There has been no greater pleasure then watching the next generation embrace a mindset of innovation, education and appreciation for local agriculture. With the support of a local community who believes in the success of this family business, there is no doubt that future seasons of change will radiate plenty of positivity and resilience over this landmark on Church Creek Rd. in Cambridge, MD.